Responsiveness to customer requests is a key requirement in today’s fast moving world Market demands shift quickly today. The attractive products of today are tomorrow replaced by another hype or trend, driving the consumers to buy different products, services, or from other sources. The fact that consumers, having instant access to manifold changes using the internet drives the speed of their decisions, and the speed of ordering. Fast delivery via download, or by fast delivery modes of service providers makes the product quickly available, and matches up with the speed of access and ordering. This creates a massive effect of getting used to speed as a standard. At the same time, even “Business-to- Business” customers face a more volatile situation; their sales portfolio changes, their inventory buffers have been reduced through “working capital optimization” initiatives, and they rely even more on accurate demand plans which are very likely to change. Thus their orders to their suppliers change quickly in product, timing, and volumes. The ability to respond quickly are founded on a wide set of required enablers, techniques, processes, and IT systems. These need to be geared towards flexibility in a short period of time, not just for fast delivery. But is not about responsiveness alone; there are many ways to make the supply chain more nimble and adaptive, more effective and efficient by applying lean thinking, and to design the access to customer in a more responsive way. IN-NOVA has developed a toolbox to increase responsiveness, which needs to be configured to every client in a different way to fit to markets, internal processes, and overall supply chain capabilities. This is also where supply chain maturity plays a vital role.
Agility Responsiveness Lean ► Structures ► Organization ► Processes ► Products ► Orders ► Volumes ► Customers ► Avoid waste ► Fit to purpose 2010 - 2030 1 2 3 Quality Time Cost ► Right product ► Damage free ► On - time ► In - full ► Materials ► Production ► Transport 1980 - 2010 The  success factors of  the past have become performance standards ,  and a  foundation .  New  dimensions define the success of a  supply chain in  the internet based world . Hours Days Weeks Months Structural Reduction Internet Customized to Order 12 - 24  hr Delivery Moment  of Need Select Produce Deliver Time New  Enablers Traditional  process Moment  of Fulfilment Moment  of Fulfilment Adaptiveness Responsiveness Leanness Supply Webs  Establish  preferred  relationships  Work toward  balanced  power  positions Market Size = 1  Accurately  target and  reach micro - markets  Customize  value propositions  and manage  revenues per  micromarket Elimination of fixed cost  Outsource all  non - strategic  processes  Organize for  assets and  resources to be  deployed on a  variable basis Manage what matters  Leverage of  competencies  and know how  for maximum  business impact  Focus manage - ment only on  suppliers,  custo - mers and  resour - ces with tangible  business impact  Postponement  (Re)design  products for  maximum  modularity and  ease of  assembly  Assemble  customized  product to  order or need Switchability  Adopt,  proliferate and  enforce common  performance  and quality  standards   Develop and  employ  interface  standards in IT  and physical  processes Flowgistics  Design processes  for continuous  flow   Adopt and  enforce the  mastery of time  and timing Penetration  Prepare for  effective usage  of goods and  information in  subsequent  processes  Deliver as far as  possible into  the customer  system or  process Agility centric value chain